What to Do If Air Fryer Catches Fire: Preventive Measures & Safety Guide

What to Do If Air Fryer Catches Fire_ Preventive Measures & Safety Guide

We all love air fryers for their ability to cook healthy food with less oil and quickly. However, like any kitchen appliance, they come with their own set of risks, including the potential for fires. Understanding how to handle a fire emergency involving an air fryer is essential for ensuring the safety of yourself and your home.

This guide is here to help you know what to do if air fryer catches fire. While it’s rare, it’s important to be prepared. Fires can happen if the air fryer with high temperature is left unattended for an extended time, if you put too much food in the fryer, use the wrong accessories, or if something goes wrong with the electricity. Knowing how to handle a fire calmly and safely is important to keep everyone and everything safe.

I’ll talk about why air fryers might catch fire, how to prevent fires, what to do if a fire happens, and how to clean up afterward. I’ll also give you tips on using your air fryer safely in the future. With the information in this guide, you’ll feel more confident cooking with your air fryer and know how to stay safe.

Let’s learn together how to use air fryers safely and cook delicious meals without worry!

Main Causes of Air Fryer Fires

Air fryers, while generally safe when used correctly, can pose fire hazards under certain circumstances. Understanding the common causes of air fryer fires is essential for preventing accidents and ensuring safe usage. Let’s explore these causes in detail:


One of the leading causes of air fryer fires is overheating. This situation arises when the appliance is left unattended for extended periods or when temperature settings are excessively high. To mitigate this risk, it is crucial to adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions regarding cooking durations and temperature limits

Electrical Issues

Main Causes of Air Fryer Fires_ Faulty Outlet

Electrical faults or problems with the power source can pose significant risks of fires in air fryers. Poor wiring, damaged power cords, or faulty outlets can cause electrical sparks or overheating, leading to fires. It’s essential to inspect the power cord, plug, and outlet regularly for any signs of damage or wear and address any issues promptly.

Grease Buildup

While air fryers typically require minimal oil for cooking, the accumulation of grease within the appliance can pose a significant fire hazard over time. Failure to regularly clean the basket, tray, and other detachable components of the air fryer can exacerbate this risk. It is advisable to routinely clean these parts to prevent grease buildup and reduce the likelihood of a fire.

Use of Non-Approved Cooking Materials

Using materials that are not suitable for air frying, such as paper plates or plastic, can increase the risk of fires. These materials may come into contact with the heating element or obstruct airflow, leading to overheating and potential ignition. It’s crucial to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and use only approved accessories and cookware.

Malfunctioning Components

Malfunctions or defects in the air fryer’s components, such as the heating element, fan, or electrical wiring, can also contribute to fire hazards. Over time, wear and tear or manufacturing defects may cause components to malfunction, resulting in overheating or electrical fires. Regular inspection and maintenance can help identify and address potential issues before they escalate.

Improper Ventilation

Inadequate ventilation around the air fryer can also increase the risk of fires. Placing the appliance too close to walls or other objects can restrict airflow, causing heat buildup and potential ignition of nearby materials. It’s important to ensure proper ventilation and clearance around the air fryer to prevent overheating and fire hazards.

Precautionary Measures to Prevent Air Fryer Fires

To minimize the risk of air fryer fires and ensure safe cooking experiences, it’s crucial to implement preventive measures and adhere to recommended safety practices. Here are several precautionary steps you can take:

Proper Maintenance and Cleaning Routines:

Source: foodandwine.com

  • Regularly clean the air fryer after each use to remove any food residues or grease buildup, which can potentially ignite during subsequent cooking sessions. 
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance, including disassembling removable parts for thorough cleaning and drying.

Following the Manufacturer’s Guidelines and Instructions:

  • Read and understand the user manual provided by the manufacturer before using the air fryer.
  • Adhere to recommended cooking times, temperatures, and maximum food quantities specified by the manufacturer to prevent overheating and potential fires.
  • Avoid using the air fryer for purposes other than its intended use, as this may increase the risk of accidents.

Using Compatible Accessories and Cookware:

  • Use only accessories and cookware recommended by the manufacturer, as incompatible materials can pose fire hazards.
  • Avoid placing flammable materials such as paper towels or cloth near the air fryer during operation.

Regular Inspection of Electrical Components:

  • Periodically inspect the power cord, plug, and outlet for any signs of damage or wear, such as fraying or exposed wires.
  • If you notice any abnormalities, such as sparks or unusual sounds during operation, discontinue use immediately and have the appliance inspected by a qualified technician.

Ensuring Proper Ventilation During Operation:

  • Place the air fryer on a stable, level surface with sufficient clearance around it to allow proper airflow and ventilation.
  • Avoid operating the air fryer near flammable materials or in confined spaces where heat buildup may occur.

What To Do If Air Fryer Catches Fire

Even if you try to prevent it, sometimes an air fryer might still catch fire. It’s really important to know what to do calmly and quickly to stop the fire and stay safe. Here are the steps to follow if your air fryer catches fire:

Stay Calm and Act Quickly:

  • Remain calm and avoid panicking. Keeping a clear mind will enable you to respond effectively to the situation.
  • Quickly assess the severity of the fire and determine if it can be safely extinguished or if evacuation is necessary.

Switch Off the Air Fryer and Unplug It:

Switch Off the Air Fryer and Unplug It

  • Immediately turn off the air fryer by pressing the power button or turning the control dial to the off position.
  • Unplug the air fryer from the power outlet to cut off the electrical supply and prevent further escalation of the fire.

Never Use Water to Extinguish an Electrical Fire:

  • Avoid using water or any other liquid to extinguish the fire, as this can result in electrical shock or spread the flames.
  • Water conducts electricity and can cause the fire to intensify, posing greater risks to personal safety and property.

Use a Fire Extinguisher Rated for Electrical Fires:

  • If you have access to a fire extinguisher rated for electrical fires, carefully aim it at the base of the flames and discharge the extinguishing agent.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to operate the fire extinguisher safely and effectively.

Evacuate the Area If the Fire Persists or Escalates:

  • If the fire continues to burn despite your efforts to extinguish it or if it spreads rapidly, evacuate the area immediately.
  • Close all doors behind you to contain the fire and prevent its spread to other parts of the building.

Contact Emergency Services If Necessary:

  • If the fire cannot be controlled or if there is any risk to personal safety, dial the emergency services and report the fire.
  • Provide them with your location, a description of the situation, and any relevant information to facilitate a prompt response.

Post-Fire Safety Measures and Cleanup

After successfully extinguishing an air fryer fire or evacuating the area, it’s essential to take appropriate post-fire safety measures and conduct a thorough cleanup to ensure a safe environment:

Allow the Air Fryer to Cool Down Completely:

  • Wait for the air fryer to cool down completely before handling it to avoid the risk of burns or further damage.
  • Do not attempt to move or inspect the appliance until it has reached a safe temperature.

Assess the Damage and Inspect the Appliance:

Post-Fire Safety Measures and Cleanup

  • Carefully examine the air fryer for any signs of damage, including melted plastic, charred components, or electrical malfunctions.
  • If the appliance appears to be severely damaged or if there are any concerns about its safety, refrain from using it and consider seeking professional assistance.

Dispose of Any Damaged Components Properly:

  • Dispose of any damaged or compromised parts of the air fryer in accordance with local regulations and guidelines.
  • Avoid disposing of damaged components in regular household waste bins, as they may contain hazardous materials.

Consider Professional Inspection and Repair If Needed:

  • If the air fryer sustained significant damage during the fire or if there are concerns about its functionality, consider contacting the manufacturer or a qualified technician for inspection and repair.
  • Professional assessment can help identify any underlying issues and ensure the safe operation of the appliance in the future.

Tips for Safe Usage of Air Fryers Going Forward

Tips for Safe Usage of Air Fryers Going Forward

To prevent future fire incidents and ensure the safe operation of your air fryer, consider implementing the following tips:

Always Monitor Cooking Progress:

Stay attentive while using the air fryer and periodically check on the food to prevent overcooking or potential fire hazards. Avoid leaving the appliance unattended during operation, especially when cooking for extended periods.

Avoid Overcrowding the Basket:

Follow the recommended guidelines for food quantities and avoid overfilling the cooking basket, which can obstruct airflow and increase the risk of fires. Cook food in batches if necessary to ensure even cooking and proper air circulation.

Use Appropriate Temperature Settings:

Select the appropriate temperature settings for the type of food being cooked and avoid using excessively high temperatures, which can lead to overheating and potential fires. Refer to the air fryer’s user manual for recommended temperature ranges for different types of ingredients.

Keep the Air Fryer on a Stable Surface Away From Flammable Materials:

Place the air fryer on a stable, heat-resistant surface, away from flammable materials such as curtains, paper towels, or plastic containers. Ensure that the appliance is positioned securely and cannot be easily knocked over during operation.

Regularly Check for Any Signs of Wear or Damage:

Periodically inspect the air fryer for any signs of wear, damage, or malfunction, such as frayed cords, loose connections, or unusual smells during operation. Address any issues promptly and discontinue use if safety concerns arise until the problem is resolved.


It’s crucial to know what to do if your air fryer catches fire to keep yourself and your home safe. Even though air fryers are handy for cooking, they can be risky if not used right. By following simple steps to prevent fires, knowing what to do if a fire happens, and cleaning up properly afterward, you can lower the chances of accidents and enjoy cooking safely.

Just stay calm, act fast, and put safety first when using your air fryer. Regularly cleaning it, following the instructions, and paying attention while cooking are all important. By following these easy tips, you can avoid problems and keep cooking happily and safely. Share these tips with others to help them stay safe too. Remember, safety comes first! Stay safe, stay informed, and happy cooking!

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FAQs (What to Do If Air Fryer Catches Fire)

Is it safe to leave my air fryer unattended while cooking?

It’s not recommended to leave your air fryer unattended while cooking. Always monitor the cooking progress and avoid leaving it on for extended periods without supervision.

Can I use aluminum foil or parchment paper in my air fryer?

It’s important to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines. Some air fryers may allow the use of aluminum foil or parchment paper, while others may not. Always use materials approved by the manufacturer to prevent fire hazards.

How often should I clean my air fryer?

Clean your air fryer after each use to remove food residues and grease buildup. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance to ensure safe and efficient operation.

What should I do if I notice unusual sounds or smells coming from my air fryer?

If you notice any abnormal sounds or smells during operation, immediately switch off the air fryer, unplug it, and inspect for any signs of damage or malfunction. Discontinue use and seek professional assistance if needed.

Is it safe to place my air fryer on a countertop near other appliances?

It’s best to place your air fryer on a stable, level surface away from other appliances, especially those that generate heat. Ensure proper ventilation around the air fryer to prevent overheating and fire hazards.