Discover What You Can Line an Air Fryer With | Tips and Options

What You Can Line an Air Fryer With

Lining an air fryer has become a common practice among home cooks seeking to enhance their cooking experience.

This process involves placing a protective layer inside the air fryer basket to prevent food from sticking, enhance cleanup, and potentially improve cooking outcomes.

While air fryers are designed to minimize the need for excessive oil, using the right lining materials can further promote healthier cooking and extend the lifespan of your appliance.

In this guide, we will explore various options for lining your air fryer, taking into account both suitable choices and materials to avoid.

Suitable Materials for Lining an Air Fryer

1. Parchment Paper

Parchment paper is a popular choice for lining air fryer baskets due to its non-stick properties and high heat resistance. It allows food to cook evenly without sticking to the basket, making it easy to remove once the cooking process is complete.

Pre-cut parchment paper sheets are available in various sizes and shapes, but you can also custom-cut them to fit your specific air fryer model.

2. Aluminum Foil

Aluminum foil is another option for lining your air fryer. It reflects heat and can help with even cooking, especially for foods that may release excess moisture.

However, caution is advised when using aluminum foil with acidic or salty foods, as the interaction between these ingredients and the foil can lead to a metallic taste.

3. Silicone Baking Mats

Silicone baking mats offer a reusable and eco-friendly solution for lining your air fryer. These mats have a non-stick surface that prevents food from adhering to the basket.

They also withstand high temperatures and distribute heat evenly, contributing to better cooking results.

4. Perforated Parchment or Silicone Liners

Perforated liners, whether made of parchment or silicone, are designed with small holes that allow for enhanced airflow.

This feature promotes better crispiness and reduces the chances of food sticking to the basket. These liners are especially suitable for air fryer baskets with perforations or grates.

Materials to Avoid for Lining an Air Fryer

Wax Paper: Avoid for Lining an Air Fryer

1. Wax Paper:

Wax paper is not recommended for lining an air fryer due to its low heat resistance. The wax coating can melt at the high temperatures used in air frying, resulting in a potential mess and unpleasant odors.

2. Regular Cooking Paper:

Regular cooking paper, such as standard printer paper, lacks the heat resistance required for air frying. Using this type of paper can lead to burning, sticking, and potential safety hazards.

3. Plastic Wrap:

Avoid using plastic wrap to line your air fryer, as it can melt or shrink when exposed to the heat inside the appliance. This can not only affect the quality of your food but also pose health risks due to the release of harmful chemicals.

By choosing suitable lining materials and avoiding those that can compromise your cooking experience and safety, you can make the most of your air fryer while enjoying delicious and perfectly cooked meals.

Best Practices for Using Lining Materials

A. Cutting or Shaping Liners

When using parchment paper, aluminum foil, or silicone baking mats, ensure they are cut or shaped to fit the dimensions of your air fryer basket. This prevents any excess material from obstructing airflow, which is crucial for achieving the desired crispiness.

B. Airflow Considerations

To achieve optimal cooking results, avoid covering the entire bottom of the air fryer basket with the lining material. This allows hot air to circulate freely around the food, ensuring even cooking and crispy textures.

C. Manufacturer Guidelines

Always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines for your specific air fryer model. Some appliances may have restrictions or recommendations regarding the use of certain lining materials to prevent damage or overheating.

Alternative Methods for Preventing Sticking

1. Lightly Oiling the Basket:

Instead of using a lining material, you can lightly oil the air fryer basket before placing the food. This method helps prevent sticking and promotes a crispy exterior while using minimal oil.

2. Coating Food with Oil or Cooking Spray:

Coating Food with Oil or Cooking Spray

Applying a thin layer of oil or non-stick cooking spray directly to the food’s surface can create a barrier that reduces sticking and enhances browning.

3. Using Marination or Batter:

Marinating food or coating it with a thin layer of batter before air frying can also help prevent sticking. The marinade or batter forms a protective layer between the food and the basket.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Removing and Disposing of Used Liners

After cooking, carefully remove and dispose of used parchment paper, aluminum foil, or silicone liners. Be cautious, as they may still be hot.

Wiping Down the Air Fryer Interior

Regularly wipe down the interior of the air fryer to remove any food residue or oil buildup. This helps maintain optimal performance and prevents unwanted odors.

Regular Maintenance

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance. This may involve removing and cleaning the basket, tray, and other removable parts. Additionally, check for any signs of wear or damage in the lining materials and replace them as needed.

By adhering to these best practices, you can confidently use lining materials in your air fryer to achieve delicious and evenly cooked dishes while also ensuring the longevity and efficient operation of your appliance.

Why Do Air Fryer Liners Have Holes?

Air fryer liners with holes are designed to enhance the cooking process by promoting better airflow and allowing excess moisture to escape. These holes serve several important purposes:

Improved Air Circulation:

Air circulation is a key factor in air frying. The hot air needs to flow around the food to cook it evenly and create a crispy exterior.

The holes in air fryer liners facilitate the movement of hot air, ensuring that every part of the food is exposed to the heat source. Without proper air circulation, the food might cook unevenly, leading to inconsistent results.


Crispiness using Air fryer liner

The holes in the liners help moisture escape from the cooking food. Excess moisture can inhibit the formation of a crispy texture on the exterior of the food. By allowing moisture to evaporate, the holes contribute to achieving the desired crispiness in fried foods.

Prevention of Sticking:

When food comes into contact with the hot surface of the air fryer basket, it can sometimes stick, making it difficult to remove after cooking. The holes in the liners create a barrier between the food and the basket, reducing the chances of sticking and making it easier to retrieve the cooked food.

Reduced Smoke and Odor:

Some foods, especially those with higher fat content, can release excess oil or liquid during cooking, which might lead to smoke and unwanted odors. The holes in the liners allow these liquids to escape, reducing the likelihood of smoke and minimizing lingering smells in your kitchen.

Prevention of Soggy Bottoms:

Certain foods can release moisture as they cook, which could accumulate at the bottom of the air fryer basket and result in a soggy bottom. The holes in the liner prevent this moisture from pooling, contributing to evenly cooked and crispy results.

It’s worth noting that not all air fryer liners have holes, but those that do are designed to optimize cooking outcomes. If your air fryer comes with perforated or holey baskets, using liners with holes is particularly beneficial as they align with the basket’s design to further enhance airflow and overall cooking performance.

Why Should I Use Liners in My Air Fryer?

Prevent Food Sticking

Using liners in your air fryer can offer several benefits that enhance your cooking experience and simplify cleanup. Here are some compelling reasons why you might consider using liners in your air fryer:

  1. Prevent Food Sticking: Liners, such as parchment paper or silicone mats, create a barrier between the food and the air fryer basket, preventing food from sticking to the basket’s surface. This not only makes it easier to remove the cooked food but also helps preserve its appearance and texture.
  2. Enhance Crispiness: Liners with holes or perforations allow hot air to circulate more efficiently around the food. This improved airflow promotes even cooking and helps achieve a crispy exterior on foods like french fries, chicken wings, and other fried items.
  3. Reduce Cleanup Effort: Lining your air fryer basket can significantly simplify the cleaning process. Instead of scrubbing the basket to remove stuck-on food residues, you can simply dispose of the used liner and wipe down the basket. This saves you time and effort in post-cooking cleanup.
  4. Minimize Odors and Residues: Liners can help contain cooking oils, fats, and juices released from the food, preventing them from accumulating in the air fryer basket. This reduces the likelihood of smoke, unpleasant odors, and the need to deal with stubborn residues.
  5. Extend the Lifespan of Your Air Fryer: By using liners, you can help protect the interior of your air fryer from excessive wear and tear. Food particles and oils can accumulate over time, affecting the appliance’s performance and longevity. Liners act as a barrier, minimizing direct contact between the food and the basket.
  6. Experiment with Versatility: Liners provide an opportunity to experiment with various cooking methods. For example, using parchment paper can enable you to cook delicate or small items that might otherwise fall through the gaps in the basket. You can also try different types of liners to achieve varying degrees of crispiness and browning.
  7. Healthier Cooking: Some liners, like parchment paper, help reduce the need for added fats and oils during cooking. This aligns with the health-conscious approach that air frying offers—producing delicious, crispy results with less oil than traditional frying methods.

Easy Transition Between Foods: Changing ingredients in your air fryer becomes more convenient when using liners. Simply remove the liner along with the cooked food, and you’re ready to prepare the next batch without needing to thoroughly clean the basket in between.

Can you Line an Air Fryer with a Ceramic Dish?

Can you Line an Air Fryer with a Ceramic Dish

Yes, you can line your air fryer with a ceramic dish, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Ceramic Dish Selection: Choose a ceramic dish that is specifically labeled as safe for oven or air fryer use. Not all ceramic dishes are suitable for high temperatures, so make sure the one you use can withstand the heat generated by your air fryer.
  2. Size Compatibility: Ensure that the ceramic dish you’re using fits well within the air fryer basket without obstructing the airflow. A proper fit allows hot air to circulate around the food effectively.
  3. Airflow: Unlike traditional oven cooking, air fryers rely on hot air circulation to cook food. If you use a ceramic dish that covers the entire bottom of the air fryer basket, it might hinder proper airflow, affecting the cooking results.
  4. Heat Distribution: Ceramic dishes can hold and distribute heat differently from the air fryer basket itself. This can impact cooking times and results. It’s recommended to monitor your food’s progress closely when using a ceramic dish until you become familiar with how it cooks.
  5. Risk of Breakage: Ceramic dishes can be more fragile than the standard air fryer basket. Be cautious when placing the dish in the air fryer and when removing it after cooking to prevent breakage.
  6. Cleaning: Ceramic dishes can be more challenging to clean than disposable liners. Ensure that the ceramic dish is easy to clean and can be safely used with your chosen cleaning methods.

While using a ceramic dish in your air fryer can provide an alternative way to cook, it’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and exercise caution to achieve the best cooking outcomes while maintaining safety.


In summary, exploring the various options for lining your air fryer opens up a world of culinary possibilities. From parchment paper and aluminum foil to silicone baking mats, each choice comes with unique benefits that enhance cooking outcomes and simplify cleanup.

By following expert tips and considering factors like heat distribution, airflow, and compatibility, you can confidently choose the right lining material for your air fryer adventures. Elevate your cooking experience and savor delicious, crispy results while keeping your air fryer in top-notch condition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to oil the air fryer basket if I use a liner?

If you’re using a non-stick liner like parchment paper or silicone baking mat, you might not need to oil the basket. However, a light coating of oil can enhance flavor and crispiness. With other liners or dishes, a small amount of oil can prevent sticking.

Are there foods that I shouldn’t use a liner with in an air fryer?

Certain foods, particularly those with high moisture content, might not require a liner to achieve desired results. Foods that release excessive liquids might not benefit from liners, as the liners could become soaked and ineffective.

Can I line the entire bottom of the air fryer basket with a liner?

It’s generally advised not to cover the entire bottom of the basket with a liner. Leaving some gaps allows for proper airflow, ensuring even cooking and crispy textures. Follow manufacturer guidelines for best practices.

How do I clean my air fryer after using a liner?

After use, carefully remove the liner and dispose of it. Wipe down the air fryer basket and interior to remove any residual food or oil. Follow the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions for thorough maintenance.

Can I use a ceramic dish to line my air fryer?

Yes, you can use a ceramic dish, but ensure it’s oven-safe and compatible with air frying temperatures. Watch for proper fit, airflow, and cooking times. Be cautious with fragile dishes and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.